Prayer Ministry

The prayer ministry encourages every believer to have ongoing communication with God that involves not just talking but listening. Through service, practice, studying and yielding to God we learn to become living sacrifices. 

Opportunities to pray together. 

Monthly Prayer

Day of Prayer - The first of every month
The 1st of every month we gather together at 7pm to seek God corporately. The entire family is encouraged to come and unite in prayer. This is an opportunity to speak and listen to what God is speaking to us. 

Weekly Prayer Calls

Elder Tamiko Jackson

Prayer Ambassador
Every Wednesday at 7pm our Prayer Ambassador, Elder Tamiko, and the HVCLA Prayer team join on the prayer line to pray for and with one another.

(774) 220-4000 *24385

Pastor Janice Johnson

Pastor and Prophet
Daily you can tap in with the community at 4am with Pastor Janice Johnson. Men and women from all over the country gather together to grow in Christ. 

(323) 763-8851

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