ACT Justly.
Love mercy.
walk humbly.

Lord Bring Justice. 

Hate evil, and love good, and establish justice in the gate; it may be that the Lord, the God of hosts, will be gracious to the remnant of Joseph. - Amos 5:15 ESV
We believe it to be the very heart of God to see justice manifested in every sphere of society. As a church it is our endeavor to do all that we can to make that a reality.

 Below is our preliminary social justice strategy;

  • Create time and space for people to lament constructively while praying and affirming our biblical position and responsibilities.
  •  Keep pursuing our efforts of economic empowerment through the redevelopment of our properties transforming them into economic engines for congregants and community members.
  • Assume seats on the advisory or clergy councils of our local authorities as well as positioning ourselves to take grand jury seats. 
  • Creating a Multi-ethnic consortium that can come together to create proactive solutions for our community as well as give balanced responses to the myriad of injustices that take place. 
  • Host voter forums to ensure that our congregants and community members are registered and suitably informed on the ballot initiatives and candidates.

Purpose In Your Heart To Do What Is Right.

Bishop James Ray Taylor and Pastor Karen Taylor share God's Word and look to the scripture  as a key resource to help all of us to do what is right.

A Path to Ending Systemic Racism


If you know of powerful resources that will help us better reflect Jesus in how we love and treat others equal share them below.

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